Product Description
At slightest one-third of a people we know are introverts. They are a ones who cite listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and emanate yet dislike self-promotion; who preference operative on their possess over brainstorming in teams. Although they are mostly labeled "quiet," it is to introverts that we owe many of a good contributions to society--from outpost Gogh’s sunflowers to a invention of a personal computer.
Passionately argued, impressively researched, and filled with memorable stories of genuine people, Quiet shows how dramatically we overlook introverts, and how many we remove in doing so. Taking a reader on a tour from Dale Carnegie’s hearth to Harvard Business School, from a Tony Robbins convention to an devout megachurch, Susan Cain charts a arise of a Extrovert Ideal in a twentieth century and explores a inclusive effects. She talks to Asian-American students who feel alienated from a brash, backslapping atmosphere of American schools. She questions a widespread values of American business culture, where forced partnership can mount in a approach of innovation, and where a care intensity of introverts is mostly overlooked. And she draws on cutting-edge investigate in psychology and neuroscience to exhibit a extraordinary differences between extroverts and introverts.
Perhaps many inspiring, she introduces us to successful introverts--from a witty, high-octane open orator who recharges in rubbish after his talks, to a record-breaking salesman who sensitively taps into a appetite of questions. Finally, she offers useful recommendation on all from how to improved negotiate differences in introvert-extrovert relations to how to commission an introverted child to when it creates clarity to be a "pretend extrovert."
This unusual book has a appetite to henceforth change how we see introverts and, equally important, how introverts see themselves.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #13 in Books
- Published on: 2012-01-24
- Released on: 2012-01-24
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.56" h x 1.11" w x 6.40" l, 1.25 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 352 pages
Editorial Reviews Review
Amazon Best Books of a Month, Jan 2012: How many introverts do we know? The genuine answer will substantially warn you. In a culture, that emphasizes organisation work from facile propagandize by a business world, all seems geared toward extroverts. Luckily, introverts everywhere have a new spokesperson: Susan Cain, a self-proclaimed introvert who’s taken it on herself to improved know a place of introverts in enlightenment and society. With Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Cain explores introversion by psychological investigate aged and new, personal experiences, and even mind chemistry, in an enchanting and highly-readable fashion. By delving into introversion, Cain also seeks to find ways for introverts and extroverts to improved know one another--and for introverts to know their possess contradictions, such as a ability to act like extroverts in certain situations. Highly permitted and fortifying for any introvert--and any extrovert who knows an introvert (and over one-third of us are introverts)--Quiet has a intensity to change a “extrovert ideal.” –Malissa Kent
Amazon Exclusive: Q & A with Author Susan Cain
A: For a same reason that Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique in 1963. Introverts are to extroverts what women were to organisation during that time--second-class adults with huge amounts of untapped talent. Our schools, workplaces, and eremite institutions are designed for extroverts, and many introverts trust that there is something wrong with them and that they should try to “pass” as extroverts. The disposition conflicting introversion leads to a gigantic rubbish of talent, energy, and, ultimately, happiness.
Q: What personal stress does a theme have for you?
A: When we was in my twenties, we started practicing corporate law on Wall Street. At initial we suspicion we was holding on an huge challenge, since in my mind, a successful counsel was gentle in a spotlight, since we was introverted and spasmodic shy. But we shortly satisfied that my inlet had a lot of advantages: we was good during building constant alliances, one-on-one, behind a scenes; we could tighten my door, concentrate, and get a work finished well; and like many introverts, we tended to ask a lot of questions and listen earnestly to a answers, that is an useful apparatus in negotiation. we started to comprehend that there’s a lot some-more going on here than a informative classify of a introvert-as-unfortunate would have we believe. we had to know more, so we spent a past 5 years researching a powers of introversion.
Q: Was there ever a time when American multitude valued introverts some-more highly?
A: In a nation’s progressing years it was easier for introverts to acquire respect. America once embodied what a informative historian Warren Susman called a “Culture of Character,” that valued middle strength, integrity, and a good deeds we achieved when no one was looking. You could cut an considerable figure by being quiet, reserved, and dignified. Abraham Lincoln was worshiped as a male who did not “offend by superiority,” as Emerson put it.
Q: You plead how we can improved welcome introverts in a workplace. Can we explain?
A: Introverts flower in environments that are not overstimulating—surroundings in that they can consider (deeply) before they speak. This has many implications. Here are dual to consider: (1) Introverts perform best in quiet, private workspaces—but unfortunately we’re trending in precisely a conflicting direction, toward open-plan offices. (2) If we wish to get a best of all your employees’ brains, don’t simply chuck them into a assembly and assume you’re discussion everyone’s ideas. You’re not; you’re discussion from a many vocally loud people. Ask people to put their ideas in essay before a meeting, and make certain we give everybody time to speak.
Q: Quiet offers some glorious insights for a relatives of introverted children. What sourroundings do introverted kids need in sequence to thrive, either it’s during home or during school?
A: The best thing relatives and teachers can do for introverted kids is to value them for who they are, and inspire their passions. This means: (1) Giving them a space they need. If they need to recharge alone in their room after propagandize instead of plunging into extracurricular activities, that’s okay. (2) Letting them master new skills during their possess pace. If they’re not training to float in organisation settings, for example, learn them privately. (3) Not pursuit them “shy”--they’ll trust a tag and knowledge their excitability as a bound trait rather than an tension they can learn to control.
Q: What are a advantages to being an introvert?
A: There are too many to list in this brief space, yet here are dual clearly paradoxical qualities that advantage introverts: introverts like to be alone--and introverts suffer being cooperative. Studies advise that many of a many artistic people are introverts, and this is partly since of their ability for quiet. Introverts are careful, contemplative thinkers who can endure a rubbish that idea-generation requires. On a other hand, implementing good ideas requires cooperation, and introverts are some-more expected to cite mild environments, while extroverts preference rival ones.
"Cain offers a resources of useful recommendation for teachers and relatives of introverts…Quiet should seductiveness anyone who cares about how people think, work, and get along, or wonders since a man in a subsequent apartment acts that way. It should be compulsory reading for introverts (or their parents) who could use a boost to their self-esteem."
"Rich, intelligent...enlightening."
--Wall Street Journal
"An intriguing and potentially life-altering hearing of a tellurian essence that is certain to advantage both introverts and extroverts alike."
--Kirkus, Starred Review
"Cain gives glorious portraits of a series of introverts and shatters misconceptions. Cain consistently binds a reader’s seductiveness by presenting particular profiles, looking during places dominated by extroverts (Harvard Business School) and introverts (a West Coast shelter center), and stating on a latest studies. Her diligence, research, and passion for this critical subject has richly paid off."
--Publishers Weekly
"This book is a pleasure to review and will make introverts and extroverts comparison consider twice about a best ways to be themselves and correlate with incompatible celebrity types."
--Library Journal
"An intelligent and mostly extraordinary demeanour during what creates us who we are."
"In this well-written, scarcely courteous book, Cain encourages rubbish seekers to see themselves anew: not as wallflowers yet as absolute army to be reckoned with."
--Whole Living
"Those who value a quiet, contemplative life will feel a weight lifting from their shoulders as they review Susan Cain's expressive and good documented paean to introversion--and will no longer feel guilty or defective for carrying finished a improved choice!"
--MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, author of Flow and Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management, Claremont Graduate University
"Superbly researched, deeply insightful, and a fascinating read, Quiet is an indispensable apparatus for anyone who wants to know a gifts of a introverted half of a population."
--GRETCHEN RUBIN, author of The Happiness Project
"Quiet is a book of ransom from aged ideas about a value of introverts. Cain’s intelligence, honour for research, and colourful poetry put Quiet in an chosen category with a best books from Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Pink, and other masters of psychological non-fiction."
--TERESA AMABILE, Professor, Harvard Business School, and coauthor, The Progress Principle
"As an introvert mostly called on to act like an extrovert, we found a information in this book divulgence and helpful. Drawing on neuroscientific investigate and many box reports, Susan Cain explains a advantages and potentials of introversion and of being still in a loud world."
--ANDREW WEIL, author of Healthy Aging and Spontaneous Happiness
"Susan Cain has finished a glorious pursuit of sifting by decades of formidable investigate on introversion, extroversion, and sensitivity--this book will be a boon for a many rarely supportive people who are also introverts."
--ELAINE ARON, author of The Highly Sensitive Person
"Quiet legitimizes and even celebrates a ‘niche’ that represents half a people in a world."
--GUY KAWASAKI, author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions
"Susan Cain is a definer of a new and profitable paradigm. In this relocating and strange argument, she creates a box that we are losing measureless pot of talent and prophesy since of a culture's overvaluation of extroversion. A startling, important, and entertaining page-turner that will make still people see themselves in a whole new light."
--NAOMI WOLF, author of The Beauty Myth
"Superb…A constrained thoughtfulness on how a Extrovert Ideal shapes a lives and since this is deeply unsettling. Based on prudent research, it will open adult a new and opposite review on how a personal is domestic and how we need to commission a legions of people who are likely to be quiet, reflective, and sensitive."
--BRIAN R. LITTLE, PH.D., Distinguished Scholar, Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, Cambridge University
"Quiet elevates a review about introverts in a outwardly-oriented multitude to new heights. we consider that many introverts will learn that, even yet they didn't know it, they have been watchful for this book all their lives."
--ADAM S. MCHUGH, author of Introverts in a Church
"Gentle is powerful... Solitude is socially productive... These critical counter-intuitive ideas are among a many reasons to take Quiet to a still dilemma and catch a brilliant, thought-provoking message."
--ROSABETH MOSS KANTER, Harvard Business School professor, author of Confidence and SuperCorp
"Memo to all we glad-handing, back-slapping, brainstorming masters of a star out there: Stop networking and articulate for a notation and review this book. In Quiet, Susan Cain does an expressive and absolute pursuit of extolling a virtues of a listeners and a thinkers--the contemplative introverts of a star who conclude that tough problems direct clever suspicion and who know that it's a good thought to know what we wish to contend before we open your mouth."
--BARRY SCHWARTZ, author of Practical Wisdom and The Paradox of Choice
About a Author
SUSAN CAIN is a author whose work on introversion and prudery has seemed in a New York Times, Time, O Magazine, and She has taught traffic skills during corporations, law firms, and universities and used corporate law for 7 years. Recently she was comparison to pronounce during a TED2012 discussion in Long Beach, California. An honors connoisseur of Princeton and Harvard Law School, Susan lives in a Hudson River Valley with her father and dual sons.
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (Hardcover)
By Susan Cain
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Customer Reviews
Most useful patron reviews
446 of 473 people found a following examination helpful.
"Those who know do not speak. Those who pronounce do not know." -- Lao Zi
By Misanthrope™
First, demeanour during this list from pg 5 in a introduction to this book:
"Without introverts, a universe would be abandoned of
the speculation of gravity
the speculation of relativity
W.B. Yeats's 'The Second Coming'
Chopin's nocturnes
Proust's 'In Search of Lost Time'
Peter Pan
Orwell's '1984' and 'Animal Farm'
The Cat in a Hat
Charlie Brown
'Schindler's List,' 'E.T.,' and 'Close Encounters of a Third Kind'
Harry Potter"
Of course, that is usually a tiny list of a accomplishments of introverts, and she forgot to put a Theory of Evolution in that list. Let's face it. One can't design people disabled with extroversion to be means to consider deeply or discuss over a critical philosophical, scientific, or magnificently artistic subjects that pierce a deeper among us.
Okay, maybe extroversion is not a handicap, nonetheless it is critical to comprehend that introversion is no some-more a encumber than extroversion. So, a extroverts consequence a retaliatory poke once in a while for treating introverts as nonetheless we are mentally and socially challenged.
This book by Susan Cain is a ultimate jab, nonetheless she is infrequently finical toward a ones that have promoted "The Extrovert Ideal" for some-more than a century in a U.S. we do not trust we have examination any improved work traffic with a emanate of celebrity than "Quiet."
There are some systematic points to be finished in a book, with discuss of studies that uncover how introversion or extroversion are biologically, genetically inbred in us, nonetheless some of a studies (particularly a one mentioning verbatim "thin skin") strike me as rather irrelevant if not pseudoscientific. Some of a best information has to do with twin studies, utterly critical for display a blunder of "blank slate" theory. See also The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker. we am a tiny undetermined there was no discuss of Pinker in this book, even in a footnotes.
I am tempted to go by all of a subjects lonesome in this book and give a summary, nonetheless improved than that is a list of thoughts from Susan Cain's blog, that will give an suspicion of a bearing of a book:
1. There's a word for "people who are in their heads too much": thinkers.
2. Our enlightenment righteously admires risk-takers, nonetheless we need a "heed-takers" some-more than ever.
3. Solitude is a matter for innovation.
4. Texting is renouned since in an overly extroverted society, everybody craves asynchronyous, non-F2F communication.
5. We learn kids in organisation classrooms not since this is a best approach to learn nonetheless since it's cost-efficient, and what else would we do with a children while all a grown-ups are during work? If your child prefers to work autonomously and consort one-on-one, there's zero wrong with her; she usually happens not to fit a model.
6. The subsequent era of still kids can and should be lifted to know their possess strength.
7. Sometimes it helps to be a pretend-extrovert. There's always time to be still later.
8. But in a prolonged run, staying loyal to your spirit is a pivotal to anticipating work we adore and work that matters.
9. Everyone shines, given a right lighting. For some, it's a Broadway spotlight, for others, a lamplit desk.
10. Rule of ride for networking events: one genuine new attribute is value a fistful of business cards.
11. It's OK to cranky a travel to equivocate creation tiny talk.
12. "Quiet leadership" is not an oxymoron.
13. The concept yearning for sky is not about immortality so many as a wish for a universe in that everybody is always kind.
14. If a charge of a initial half of life is to put yourself out there, a charge of a second half is to make clarity of where you've been.
15. Love is essential, gregariousness is optional.
16."In a peaceful way, we can shake a world." - Gandhi
The final thing we would like to communicate is that we am happy we examination this book, since being an introvert all of one's life can be formidable in complicated U.S. culture. Being treated as a weird since of a celebrity characteristics introversion entails is unfortunate. Extroverts have it good right now, and frequently get a best rewards, even when an introvert is a one that deserves those rewards, value being placed on celebrity rather than merit, nonetheless it helps introverts to know we have higher characteristics, and should not bewail them.
140 of 148 people found a following examination helpful.
Fantastic Book on Important Topic
By Book Fanatic
I desired this book! It's all about introverts in a enlightenment that celebrates extroversion. We have a celebrity worshiping enlightenment and a new amicable media has usually finished it worse. Everyone on Facebook is a performer. Despite 1/3 to 1/2 of a race being introverts, all in a enlightenment from parenting to propagandize to work to socializing celebrates and rewards extroversion. Some of a many artistic and shining creators and thinkers in story were introverts. The thesis of this work is that introverts have a good understanding to offer a universe and that we are creation a mistake by not easy and enlivening this critical celebrity type.
This is a constrained and unequivocally well-written book. we wish it will do unequivocally well. The author is lifting unequivocally critical points and has finished so in a good researched and courteous work. we rarely suggest this book and don't consider we will be disappointed. Two unequivocally large thumbs up!
This book doesn't have a "look inside" underline so we offer a following TOC so we can get an suspicion what it contains.
Part One: The Extrovert Ideal
1. The Rise of a "Mighty Likeable Fellow": How Extroversion Became a Cultural Ideal
2. The Myth of Charismatic Leadership: The Culture of Personality, a Hundred Years Later
3. When Collaboration Kills Creativity: The Rise of a New Groupthink, and a Power of Working Alone
Part Two: Your Biology, Your Self?
4. Is Temperament Destiny?: Nature, Nurture, and a Orchid Hypothesis
5. Beyond Temperament: The Role of Free Will (and a Secret of Public Speaking for Introverts)
6. Franklin Was a Politician, But Eleanor Spoke out of Conscience: Why Cool Is Overrated
7. Why Did Wall Street Crash and Warren Buffet Prosper?: How Introverts and Extroverts Think (and Process Dopamine) Differently
Part Three: Do All Cultures Have an Extrovert Ideal?
8: Soft Power: The Wind Howls nonetheless a Mountain Remains Still
Part Four: How to Love, How to Work
9. When Should You Act More Extroverted Than You Really Are?
10. The Communication Gap: How to Talk to Members of a Opposite... Type
11. On Cobblers and Generals: How to Cultivate Quiet Kids in a World That Can't Hear Them
Conclusion: Wonderland
266 of 289 people found a following examination helpful.
Good book nonetheless not a whole picture
By Jo Ryan
I unequivocally many enjoyed this book and suspicion it did a good pursuit of presenting many investigate about introverts, nonetheless as an introvert myself we consider it missed partial of a whole picture. The author strongly emphasizes being QUIET when we usually don't consider all introverts are that way. Some, such as Steve Martin, can be utterly talkative, dramatic, and jovial in a right settings and don't have fears of open vocalization such as a ones a author wrote so many about.
It's unequivocally probable to have a abounding middle life, not wish over-stimulation from a environment, and enterprise copiousness of self (or down) time and remoteness and nonetheless mostly be utterly presumably sensitive oneself--i.e. dynamic, dramatic, expressive--as against to shy, inhibited, and still in many personal and open settings. we consider many writers, actors, and artists can be unequivocally garrulous with intimates and in their work--i.e. articulate about their ideas and feelings prolonged into a night with devoted others or putting on utterly a 'show' for others--but a author, who focuses so many on examples from a business world, never unequivocally delves into this unequivocally fluent and nonetheless introverted type.
Though this book is interesting, encouraging, and well-written, we consider we would cite one reduction sensitive by so many personal practice in a universe of Wall Street and Harvard business and some-more formed on a systematic investigate of introversion with research and examples of several subtypes and their participation in several walks of life. Omakase Links
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